News posts

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TEEP Regulations

TEEP Regulations

On the 1st January 2015 the TEEP regulations come into force in England and Wales. TEEP stands for Technically, Environmentally and Economically Practicable, relating to the separation of the main four recyclable materials (paper, plastic, metal, glass) for collection. The regulations place a legal responsibility on a variety of parties to assess the impact of […]

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ISO Certificates

Two ISO certificates & three new waste disposal vehicles on their way

To end what has been a successful year for the Company, we’ve now been accredited with two ISO certificates that acknowledge compliance with best practice. We now hold: ISO 14001 – for Effective Environmental Management on account that our systems ensure we are a sustainable business, providing assurance to all stakeholders that our environmental impact […]

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Food and Plastic Infographic

Food & Plastic Infographic

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Sustainable Fashion

Sustainable Fashion – Can the retail and fashion industries prove to be good inspiration to others when it comes to sustainability?

From the catwalks of Fashion Week to high street retailer H&M, sustainability within fashion is very much on trend. We’ve seen over the past month the likes of H&M with their ‘conscious denim’ collection and G-Star Raw’s ‘Raw for the Ocean’ collection. H&M’s conscious denim collection has been underway for a while to create the […]

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Waste less, live more week 2014

Waste Less, Live More Week

Starting from today and each day this week Waste Less, Live More Week will be giving you an opportunity to discover the theme of ‘being resourceful’ looking at the idea of reconnecting with our possessions and making them last longer in our day-to-day life and wasting less and living more. They’ve created a challenge pack […]

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